Ouija Talk # 5: Terence McKenna Lecture at the Whole Life Expo in Austin

McKenna’s lecture in Austin about the development of language and its role in shaping our current “reality.”


  1. Not to sound like an idiot, but what are these ouija talks? I should probably just download it and check it out, but I'd rather you just tell me.

  2. Just lectures or whatever that are at the very least thought provoking. Peeps are suppose to be dead. Try one Dustin.

  3. I will. Probably not anytime soon, but I will.

  4. You should prolly listen to the others first... half of the stuff Terrence talks about is pretty out there.

  5. how do i listen to the file? the link to "sharebee" is hard to understand, everything is a link to LED lights and facebook service advertisements...

  6. Hmm, do you see something that says "skip ad?" Sharebee should take you to a feed site where you just have to wait 30 seconds or type in a verification letter for the download to start. It is going to download as a zip file which you will have to unzip. If you get that far but don't have a zip program, then I can just upload the files as mp3 so you won't have to download a program. Hope that helps.
